Sunday, February 26, 2006

Now What?

Just a quick note to say that I ran the Gasparilla Marathon this morning. I stayed pretty close to my goal time, and most importantly, I finished! 26.2 miles in approximately 4 hours and 44 minutes. I'll have a complete posting soon. Special thanks to Jan and Carlo for getting up at 3am to be my support staff, and to everyone else who showed up to cheer me on. It's nap time.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A hefty congrats Devon. You've done a great job with the site - both entertaining and inspiring. I guess this was the culmination of your efforts. I'll miss checking for new posts.
You ran for 26+ miles!?!? What the fuck were you thinking?!?!?!

6:46 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Congratulations on meeting your marathon time and the wonderful blog. It has been a welcoming committee for my runs in Seminole Heights. I'm so inspired I've neglected my blog almost entirely but my long run is around 8 miles. Whoo-hoo! I will be doing the Gate River Run in Jacksonville in a few weeks. Keep up the great posts...

8:13 AM  
Blogger L said...

I keep meaning to try that....

11:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it may be too late, I guess, but I really do enjoy your blog. I hop you don't stop blogging (or running) just because the marathon's over.

8:00 PM  
Blogger Livework Studios LLC said...

I'm still here and I've started to run a little. I think I needed I bit of a break from everything, but I'll be back soon.

9:13 PM  

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